Testimonials - Ministers of the Center for 2024

Dear Gwenievere,

On a personal note, in 1984, amid my spontaneous Kundalini awakening and on my healing path, I was led to Esalen Institute, where I was introduced by Daniel to Genny, who wrote the book “The Heart of Healing.” I had many sessions with her and others over those years but found her the most amazing spiritual healer I had ever met. Her healing ENERGY was Divinely Inspired and Grace-filled, and after a 3-year training, Genny ordained me as a minister of The Center for Spiritual Healing.

Reverend Cynthia Johnson Bianchetta - Monterey, CA
Healing Ministry of the Center for Spiritual Healing and the
Center for Spiritual Awakening
Pacific Grove, California

Dear Gwenievere,

I feel so honored to call myself a minister with the center, and this topic seems to be coming to the forefront more and more in my podcasts, interviews, and private consultations. Holding space for others in this open presence is one of the most significant gifts I have received through your "being teaching," dearest Gwenievere!

Reverend Rupam Henry

With you as my role model, I always use my ministry gift—and I do mean it’s a gift—by spreading the light to all whom I meet.
As this is no easy task, my efforts are sincere. I long to pass the light so others can, in turn, do the same………and truly pray for world peace.
As you know, my close attention is on my family right now. However, I actively participate at the Kabbalah Center, where I study Zohar and Torah.
As I meet more and more of my Kabbalah Community, the light brings great souls whom I can help and whom I can apply what my ministry has taught me.

Thank you, Rev Gwenievere Maria, for your positive influence on my life and for teaching me to always remain in the light.

Love you dearly.
Reverend Jill Sarah

Dear Gwenievere,

I can’t thank you enough for the work we do together. It means the world to me. I am grateful that I found the courage to believe in what I experienced as I read your book—even though 80% of it was beyond my mind.

You are extraordinary. Many blessings to you, and the work continues to be fun and alive. It is a chance to dig up that buried treasure that has always been there.

Gratitude and love, Susan

Dear Gwenievere
For my dearest Genny! My friend from whom I learned so much! Who is on the cover of my book “Shaman.”
Dec. 1989

With love,
Reverend Susan Seddon Boulet   In Honor of Reverend Susan Boulet 1980 to 1997 - top page picture original Susan Boulet

Dear Gwenievere,

You are so beautiful inside and out!! Thank you for entering my life when I needed your guidance the most. Thank you for your service to the light and seeing the divine light in me—it's helped me on my spiritual path. Every day, your sweet voice enters my head to remind me about love—the true essence of love. THANK YOU!

Gina Baker
Owner at Gina Baker, Owner of Bloom Alternative Wellness

Ministers renewed their license for 2025
Thank you all for renewing your Ministry with the Center for Spiritual Healing.

You are a blessing to all who know you.
Love, Reverend Gwenievere Maria

*Reverend Cynthia Johnson Bianchetta - Monterey, CA

*Reverend Daniel Bianchetta - Monterey, CA

*Reverend Lexa Cary - Santa Fe, NM

*Reverend Donna Colfer - Kenwood, CA

*Reverend Carmen Curfman - Sonoma, CA

*Reverend Christina Harbridge - Truckee, CA

*Reverend Rupam Henry-Milliner - Nevada City, CA

*Reverend Kathryn 'Kasey' Capener - Santa Rosa CA

>Reverend Stanley Krippner,PHD Author- San Rafael, CA

*Reverend Vajra Matusow Northern CA

*Reverend Madeline Rogers - San Rafael, CA

*Reverend Sarah Jill Roman = Florida CA

*Reverend Naoyuki Sekino MA Author - Tokyo Japan,

*Reverend Becky Voss, RDCS - Holiday Island, AR

(in Honor of Reverend Victoria Gamber, Ph.D. 1983 to 2017

In Honor of Reverend Susan Boulet, 1980 to 1997